Why NOW is The Perfect Time For Thailand Travel?!

Join the RW4U Members Club and enjoy all kinds of here: A lot of people are saying now is the WORST time ever to visit Thailand. Well, I personally think there has NEVER been a better time. Sure, there’s lots of hoops to jump through but in this video I will give you THREE reasons why Thailand is awesome right now, like today. I get it if you want to wait until it’s easier and less risky. But man am I ever glad I came back and get the rest of this year to experience Thailand without tourists because believe will be the only chance in your lifetime to get to see it like this. The Phuket Sandbox, some food, and even a mini Pay It in today’s video. Here are the Google Map Pins so you can visit the places I featured in this : Coffee Talk: Project Artisan: 5 Star Marine: https://5starmarinephuket
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