Watch Trudeau Try & Woefully Fail to Cover his Crimes Against Canadians

It’s really a wonder how prime minister Justin Trudeau manages to spew complete nonsense with a straight face every time, knowing fully well that he has nothing meaningful to say, nor does he in any way deserve to even be listened to by any well meaning Canadian. Though it has been well established that Trudeau has lost his grasp on reality, especially the reality of the average Canadians he has sworn to serve and protect. At this juncture, we must now begin to question his hold on other things, like good, old sanity. It’s been less than a decade, but his administration has managed to have enough scandals and controversies to last us all a lifetime. He’s either lying through his teeth to Canadians, many of whom have been very vocal about how they feel about his administration, or trying to force one of his many WEF ideologies on hardworking Canadians. There is just no in between with the prime minister. It’s either gut wrenching lies and glaring inefficiency or intense passion in pushing WEF ideologie
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