Short and powerfull song about Novorossiya, passionately performed by awesome Gleb Kornilov and his group “The Dangerous“. Gleb is not just a singer, he helps Novorossiya a lot, performing and raising money, gathering and delivering a humanitarian aid to where it’s needed most. His father - a talented poet Leonid Kornilov is the author of the words.
Non-Russian person might be taken aback with the fiercely patriotic message of this song, its un-shamed bold “Russianness”, however people should realise that on the land of Novorossia the real war is going on. And this war is for the survival of
... Russia. The enemy is NOT Ukraine, they are the brothers sadly turned against their closest relatives; the real enemy is in Washington, or take it widely - they are the enemy of the entire civilisation. Novorossia was once part of Russia. Russian and Ukrainian people living there speak predominantly Russian, culturally and spiritually they still belong more to their Greater Motherland, than to Ukraine,Show more