13th Doctor Theme on guitar! Step inside the TARDIS for this cover of the Doctor Who Series 11 theme of the 13th Doctor Jodie Whittaker, composed by Segun Akinola! Featuring all new-Who Doctor’s themes!
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My favourite Doctor Who season 11 theme, the 13th Doctor theme that the show’s new composer Segun Akinola composed for Jodie Whittaker’s character, forms the centerpiece of this Doctor Who cover. Jodie Whittaker’s theme feels different, but at the same time kind of familiar, just l
...ike the 13th Doctor herself. So when I arranged the music for this guitar cover, I decided to combine the new theme with some of the previous composer Murray Gold’s music for the show. Titled “Regeneration“, this cover is my tribute to Doctor Who and the Doctors!
Want more? Check out my other Doctor Who covers:
Did you notice that there’s more than just the 13th Doctor’s theme in this video? Let me know in the comments which themes from the show you can spot in my cover. Some of them should be obvious, others not so much. Bonus points to the first one who can find all the Doctor Who themes I used!
Murray Gold will be missed, but Doctor Who series 11 has already brought us some great new additions to the Doctor Who soundtrack universe. It will be interesting to see and hear what else Segun Akinola will bring to the show!
► Credits:
Original music by Segun Akinola and Murray Gold.
This is a fan tribute. Doctor Who, the TARDIS, the music and the TV footage in this video are owned by the BBC.
Cover arranged, produced and performed by Borna Matosic.
Vocals performed by Stefanie J.
Video production by BAMBOO BANDIT:
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