Royalty Overseas AKA Queen Mother In Australia (1958)
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Full title reads: “Royalty Overseas“.
Sydney, Australia. Queen Mother on Tour in Australia.
GV Thousands of school children assembled in Sydney Cricket Ground. CU Pan Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother being welcomed. SV Mass of children cheering. GV Queen Mother standing up in Land Rover driving between the children. SV Towards and pan to close up of the Queen Mother standing in Land Rover waving to the children. GV Mass of children cheering. SV Pan Queen Mother driving between lane of cheering children. Angle shot Towards and pan to close up of Queen Mother waving to children as she drives passed. GV Pan Queen Mother driving through lane of cheering children. SV Towards Queen Mother waving from land rover. CU Queen Mother smiling and waving to children. GV Pan down.
Intertitle reads: “Surinam“. Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands on her tour of Dutch colonies. She is in Dutch Guiana.
GV Pan down a traditional village in Surinam. SV
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