Makarios At Anniversary Parade In Cyprus AKA Makarios At Cyprus Parade (1964)

Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Nicosia, Cyprus Various shots, crowds of people estimated at 100,000, including children and old women, line the roadsides and buildings overlooking the route where the parade marking the 9th anniversary of the Cypriot liberation struggle will pass. MS Large car draws up and President Archbishop Makarios gets out and mounts special dais. Various shots, President Makarios with officers of his forces and members of the Greek Cypriot party on the dais. Various shots, the parade passing the dais with the band of the Pancyprian Gymnasium followed by boys and girls of Nicosia’s secondary schools, representatives of clubs, associations and veterans of the two World Wars. The EOKA standard is carried at the head of the EOKA fighters, followed by a police band, then heavily armed security forces and the National Guard. Lastly Army jeeps with mounted light and heavy mortars and armoured vehicles parade past the President. Note: Date on origin
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