Titles read: ’CLAPPERBOARD - Your Host - CHRIS KELLY’.
Black and white sequence showing Big Ben striking midnight and New Year’s Eve crowds cheering and singing ’Auld Lang Syne’. Footage of Queen Victoria in coach; cut to cavalry troops riding over dusty, hilly countryside.
Pathe News titles. C/U of a large pottery cockerel. Harry - is interviewed by Chris Kelly in the Pathe offices. He talks of a rumour of a cockerel flying onto the Pathe building in 1910, then being adopted by the company, but says the cockerel is the emblem of France and Charles Pathe adopted it as his trademark. He talks of the content of the early newsreels. Archive clips of Lord Lonsdale presenting a costermonger’s cart to an old coster, and National Federation of Women Workers marching in Camden Town. They talk of the static camera in the early days. Footage of the Derby where Emily Davison throws herself under one of the horses (Note: Emily Davison is commonly misspelt Emily Davidson). Footage from First World War; Harry