Unissued / Unused material -
German voiceovered and titled newsreel material.
Heligoland, Germany.
VS of people on decks of cruise ship as it makes its way through heavy seas. GV Waves breaking over promenade. VS Shots of Heligoland coastline showing ruined houses along the cliff top. MS’s workmen using acetylene burners to clear debris. CU Seagull. MS Seamen sitting on sea wall playing accordion. CU Woman looking through binoculars. LS From shore of cruise liner steaming past. VS of small boats leaving Heligoland harbour and collecting passengers from the liner. GV street crowded with tourists.
VS (Library Shots) German tourists in Heligoland during the Weimar republic in the 1920’s.
VS Of tourists in shops and streets and listening to a marine band. VS West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard in boat taking him from ship to Heligoland harbour he is accompanied by Sir Frank Roberts, English Ambassador. MS Erhard and Roberts walking through crowds.
VS Of old photographs and prints showing the