President Gronchi Opens ’italy 1961’ Exhibition (1961)

Location: Turin / Torino, Italy Story about the centenary of the unity of Italy (Risorgimento) Various shots as President Gronchi’s car arrives at the Palazzo Madame, he alights and is greeted by Mayor Peiron of Turin. LSs. as speeches are made by Minister Pella and Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani. CU. Pres. Gronchi is presented with a large coin in a box. CU. of the coin. MS. Banner hanging from window advertising the Exhibition Various shots as Pres. Gronchi arrives at the Historical Exhibition at the Palazzo Carignano. Various shots as Pres. Gronchi listens to speech of welcome by Prof. Cognasso. Various shots of paintings which tells the story of the Renaissance. CU. of Pres. Gronchi. CU. of old firearms. CU. Another painting. Elevated shots of cars moving along road, taken from moving monorail. Travel shot and LS. of the monorail moving along. Travel shot from the mono rail as it arrives at station. Various other shots of the monorail. CU. Mme. Gronchi (?) in the mono rail. Vario
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