Newsprint Part 1 (1940)

No documentation exists for this item NEWSPRINT. Produced by British Instructional Films Ltd. Welwyn Garden City. Title: “The centre of London’s newspaper world is Fleet Street“. CU Fleet street sign. WS Busy traffic in a London street. “News is pouring into each newspaper office through its telephone exchange“. MS Male telephone exchange operator at work. Camera pulls back to reveal row of operators and their supervisor. Title “Inside the cable room a bell rings and a light flashes to show that another foreign cable is coming through“. CU lightbulb flashes on. A man enters the cable room and sits at the ticker tape machine as the message comes through. CU as the tape is stuck to a ’Foreign Cable’ sheet. MS A row of office boys, waiting. A boy takes the report and leaves the room. WS women at typewriters. The camera follows the boy through the office, he passes the various office workers and a girl in elegant waitress outfit serving tea. The report is passed from desk to desk. Title: “Wh
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