Duke Of Edinburgh In France (1954)

Le Bourget Airport and SHAPE, Paris, and French Test-flying Centre at Bretigny sur Orge, France. Arrival of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in Paris. Plane landing at Le Bourget Airport Reception by Ambassador. Being introduced to various personalities. Marseillaise being played. Passing before the troops. GV of Paris. British General Montgomery, Marshal Juin, Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Pact Forces in Central Europe, and Sir Gladwyn Jebb, British Representative to the United Nations (UNO) and British Ambassador, chat beforehand. Plane arriving. Duke at controls. Duke is greeted by British Ambassador. Duke meets . Reception at the SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe) for the Duke. American General Gruenther, General Montgomery, Admiral Lemonnier, French delegate to the Western Defence Council, and their staffs. Arrival of the car with the Duke of Edinburgh. Soldiers presenting arms. Several shots, Duke shaking hands with official personalities. Duke looking at a Hurel-D
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