Ep105 Late Holocene Bronze Age Collapses Correlated? Little Ice Age Extreme -Randall Carlson Podcast
“The Randall Carlson” socials, VoD titles, tours, events, podcasts, merch shop, donate: Russ asks about identifying, dating, and correlating different rocks and strata. Redefining the start of the Holocene, the guys wonder again about the tracks in New Mexico at 22kya and the pre-Clovis cultures, their coexistence with mega-mammals, and how some of them swam to survival on a Californian island. Then RC reviews several papers about Late Bronze Age civilization collapses from various catastrophes around the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The Little Ice Age that followed the Medieval Warm Period was extreme in the Holocene, and ended a century before post-WWII CO2 increases, which actually correlated with three decades of cooling. Current efforts proposed to mitigate rising temps will leave us more vulnerable to the Natural factors that are being ignored. Kosmographia Ep105 of The Randall Carlson Podcast, with Brothers of the Serpent – Kyle and Russ, Normal Guy Mike, and GeocosmicREX admin Bradley, from 12/11/23
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Small class lectures “Cosmography 101“ on Brad’s original channel:
Jordan Breaks down Plasmoid Unification Model, Ancient and Vortex Maths, Giza Template: @UCGB8jM_C5T9ckwnSJhdpH3w
Airbursts and Cratering Impacts journal:
Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent
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ep108 with RC and Bradley:
Theme “Deos” and bumper music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty:
Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights)
with audio mastered by Kyle Allen and Chris James.
Randall Carlson, Kosmographia podcast, Younger Dryas, Catastrophe, Extinction, Apocalypse, Pleistocene, Holocene, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Crisis, Climate Change, IPCC, AGW, NOAA, Photosynthesis, megafloods, Geology, Fireballs, Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, Dragons, Ice Age, Carbon Conspiracy, Floodscapes, Cartography, Archeology, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Natural Disasters, Tornados, Hurricanes, Little Ice Age, Bronze Age, Mediterranean, Aegean, Israel, Fault lines, impacts, Conflagration, skeletons, Catalina Island, Pygmy Mammoths, seafarers, Megamammals, Overkill, Clovis, Topper, Al Goodyear, Katrina, COP-28
00:00 Correlating & Dating Stratigraphy
16:21 Unconformities / Disconformities
23:44 How far back? Where human remains?
34:00 Catalina Island Mammoths?
40:52 GooMaps bathymetry out from LA, CA
47:44 Mesopotamia Collapse
59:40 900BCE Conflagration in Israel
1:03:19 Bronze Age Collapse / Destruction of Troy
1:20:02 Dynamic Holocene! COP 28 Carbon Passport?
1:27:05 Katrina x10 Event response/recovery?
1:29:48 Medieval Warm to Little Ice Age 1315
1:34:32 Adapting Strategies for Coming COLD?
1:48:50 Upcoming / CO2 Increase effects / Wrap
1 view
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Ep105 Late Holocene Bronze Age Collapses Correlated? Little Ice Age Extreme -Randall Carlson Podcast
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