FashionTV Swimwear Models at Zepter Yachts Launch Party - Monaco Yacht Show, Monte Carlo | FTV

MONTE CARLO - FashionTV is on hand for the glam Zepter Yachts launch party in Monte Carlo, complete with Philip Zepter and the FashionTV girls wearing FTV wings and swimwear emblazoned with the FTV logo. Special VIP guests enjoy all the luxury of a lavish Zepter yacht and the beautiful Monaco scenery. “Without FashionTV, it’s not possible,“ Philip says. Guests enjoy Zepter dry wine and a fashion show where models wear gold jewelry and slinky black catsuits as well as other swanky swimwear. Appearance: Philip Zepter CHANNEL SUBSCRIBE FACEBOOK TWITTER FashionTV’s YouTube network features coverage of fashion shows, fashion week, runway highlights, front row celebs, backstage, hair and makeup, models, designers, photo shoots, red carpets at the biggest events in Hollywood, and much more. The total source worldwide fashion coverage, FashionTV has new uploads EVERY DAY - See it on YouTube first. FashionTV FTV “Fashion TV“ Fashion-TV “FTV Party“ “FashionTV Swimwear“ Models “Zepter Yachts“ Party Monaco “Yacht Show“ “Swimwear Models“ Swimwear “Philip Zepter“ Style “Fashion Party“ “Party Videos“ “Fashion Videos“ Fashion TV
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