9Hz 99Hz 999Hz ! Infinite Healing ! Golden Frequency of Abundance ! Positive Energy Music
9Hz 99Hz 999Hz golden frequency of abundance for infinite healing & divine protection. This positive energy music delivers infinite healing power and high levels of golden energy that will heal your body and mind and boost your vibrations.
Likewise, 999 means you are about to reach a stage of clarity in your life. Be it realizing how important your life truly is and how you affect those around you, to a spiritual clarity. The vibration produces by these frequencies sends golden energy to protect you from negative energies and heals you.
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Artist: Supernatural Brainwave Power
Gfx by Supernatural Brainwave Power Ltd.
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IOS: Coming Soon
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7 months ago 01:25:01 1
Experience the 432Hz Frequency 9Hz 99Hz 999Hz Golden Wave Money Frequencies for Positive Energy
10 months ago 03:33:33 1
9Hz 99Hz 999Hz Infinite Healing Golden WaveㅣVibration of 5 Dimension FrequencyㅣPositive Energy