Homemade Chocolate Popsicles Recipe! Sugar free! Healthy Homemade Desserts! So delicious!

Homemade Chocolate Popsicles Recipe! Sugar free! Healthy Homemade Desserts! So delicious! 00:00 Recipe 1: 80g cream cheese or cottage cheese. 50g stevia (or sugar). 80ml sugar-free whipping cream. 15g coffee. Melt with a little hot water. 40g sugar-free chocolate. 50g peanuts. Fry until browned. 100g sugar-free chocolate. 15ml vegetable oil. 04:08 Recipe 2: 2 bananas. 80g dates. Soak in water for 10 minutes. 150ml milk. 20g cornstarch. 80g cream cheese or cottage cheese. 50g stevia (or sugar). 80ml sugar-free whipping cream. 100g sugar-free chocolate. 15ml vegetable oil. 50g peanuts.
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