Ježiš Kristus ťa miluje a má pre teba nádherný plán štastia / o. Dušan Lukáč
Panna Mária neodháňa zlých duchov, oni utekajú sami. Utekajú, lebo nemôžu zniesť čistotu a krásu jej prítomnosti. Ona ich svojou pokorou ponižuje. Panna Mária jednoducho miluje, a to diabli nemôžu zniesť.👉 👉👉 Zázraky P. Márie 👉
👉 Zázrak svätej omše.
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The Holy Rosary is the most feared weapon of the enemy. Santo Rosario is the weapon to which the enemy fears to him. Many are lost,” Jesus said in a 1987 apparition.
“Few will find salvation unless they accept me as their Savior. My mother must be accepted. The apparition of Jesus told Gladys, “If this generation will not listen to my mother, it will perish.
I ask everyone to listen to her.
“I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved. Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.
“Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in stressed the importance of prayer, especially the Rosary.
“Today I warn the world, for the world is not aware: souls are in danger.
My mother must be heard in the totality of her messages.
The world must discover the richness she brings to Christians.”
“The children of sin will grow up in sin if their unbelief increases.
I have chosen the heart of my mother, so that what I ask will be achieved.
Souls will come to me through the means of her Immaculate Heart.”
At one point, Mary said, “Many hearts do not accept my invitation to prayer and to conversion.
That is why the work of the devil is growing and expanding.”
The warnings said that mankind is “in the process of falling in to a progressive self-destruction” and the Virgin Mary represents hope.
“It is up to you to set your eyes and your heart on God,” she said.
Mary reminds us of the importance of Prayer, especially the rosary.
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