Soulless Nero Mod

Soulless Nero for Devil May Cry 4 --- This is DMCdesigns’ newest mod (razor’s personal favorite) DOWNLOAD: use the texmod to load TPF files this contains a and 2 (one for the whire RQ the other for the black RQ [dont use em together :D]) use Nero black or white tpfs to get the full effect of the mod ;) Check out some of our other mods and if you like em subscribe for more! :) ------------------------------ Check it out! Our friend ThanatosLucifer ( ) Made a completely Texmod free version of this mod. We thank him for it! DOWNLOAD TEXMOD-FREE Version: This doesn’t have that awful texmod texture overlay bug, but it is also not compatible with cutscenes. To make it work in the cutscenes you will need Omni’s cutscene invalidate, which you can find at the almighty mod forum: .
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