When Chainsaw Man Turn Into Gundam | Chiansaw Rex | Barbatos Lupus | Gundam | Gunpla | HG | Custom |

#custom #gundam #gunpla #gündem #gunplay #barbatoslupusrex #barbatosgundam #lupusrex #custom WHAT CAN BE WHEN CHIANSAWMAN TURN INTO GUNDAM. Now a day chiansaw man was HOT animation. So what say we try turn it into gundam. This time gonna custom HG Gundam Barbatos Lupus Rex into chiansaw mode. This video have showing some of my custom step. Hope you like it & enjoy, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button, like, and share it to your friend or family to take a look. For more picture follow my Instagram, Thankyou for your support. Instagram : The colour brand I have use on this ki...t is ’Sheik Mainland’, if you wanna try on this paint find it by the link below, Weapon Unit : MSG / Chiansaw
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