“Pange Lingua Gloriosi” — Tantum Ergo Sacramentum (Gregorian chant)
Of the glorious Body telling, O my tongue, its mystery sing, and the Blood, all price excelling, which for this world’s ransoming in a noble womb once dwelling he shed forth, the Gentiles King. 2. Giv’n for us, for us descending of a Virgin to proceed, man with man in converse blending scattered He the Gospel seed; till His sojourn drew to ending which He closed in wondrous deed. 3. At the last great Supper seated, circled by His brethren’s band, all the Law required, completed in the feast its statutes planned, to the Twelve himself he meted for their food, with His own hand. 4. Word made flesh, by word he maketh very bread his Flesh to be; man for wine Christ’s Blood partaketh; and if senses fail to see, faith alone the true heart waketh to behold the Mystery. 5. Therefore we, before it bending, this great sacrament adore: types and shadows have their ending in the new rite evermore; faith, our outward sense amending, maketh good defects before. 6. Honour,
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