Bagara feat SESTRA - Nich Yaka Misyachna/ Ніч Яка Місячна! (українська народна пісня)

What a Moonlight Night!  “Nich Yaka Misyachna...“ -  these lines were taken from a Ukrainian folk song (1870 - first record) and set to the author’s melody. Ancient melodic poetry mixed with modern trendy sound of Melodic techno create a very special and mystical atmosphere. Solo part of the track is played on bandura - signature Ukrainian folk instrument of the 19th century. The authentic sound of  bandura helps us to expand the imagination and take us for a  journey through Time! You can easily «see» blooming gardens, the sky full of stars, silver dew  drops on the grass, mystery mist over the field… You can feel and breathe that magic Night! The Theme of love for Ukrainian Woman revealed in the lyrics of the song, remained relevant for centuries  and even playing with brighter colours nowadays! Ніч така місячна - ці рядкі взято з відомого укрінського народного вірша середини 19 століття (1870р. Вперше записиний) та покладено на авторську мелодію
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