Heavy trucks and impassable off-road! Real test for cars and drivers.
In this video I’ll show you how heavy duty dump trucks and logging trucks work in harsh off-road conditions.
I recommend subscribing to the channels of these guys:
Isla ticao tv-@michaelceladagrutas
John Trucker-@johntrucker4031
That Chipper Guy-@ThatChipperGuy
Xe Độ Officail-@Xedo6may
Maksim 37-@maksim3772
Jorge Galo Alonso-@jorgegaloalonso9057
Right Track Systems ://@righttracksystemsint
pablo fco velazquez-@pablofcovelazquez2424
Radhekrishna jii-@adityanayak8060
MURILO gamer na lida-@user-hn1ko3wd8r
Trans Vosges-@TransVosges
Rodrigo Calimam-@RodrigoCalimam
Andrey Stroin-@andreystroin8682
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