The founder of the Chopin Competition, Jerzy Żurawlew, playing Chopin’s Ballade no. 4, op. 52, recorded in 1958. Zurawlew (1886-1980) studied with Alexander Michalowski. In addition to founding the competition, he served on the jury from 1927 through 1965. He wrote this about its origin:
“[After World War I] the cult of Chopin seemed to wane a often met with the opinion that Chopin is too romantic, makes the soul sentimental and disarms the listeners mentally. Some even claimed that for these very
4 years ago 00:13:30 4
Konkurs Chopinowski. Krótka historia | Chopin Competition: a short history
9 years ago 00:06:45 1
Jerzy Żurawlew: Fantasy in F minor, op. 49 - Part 1 (Chopin)
9 years ago 00:11:12 3
Jerzy Zurawlew plays Chopin Ballade no. 4, op. 52
9 years ago 00:12:12 17
Chopin / Jerzy Żurawlew, 1955: Fantasie in F minor, Op. 49 - Complete, Muza, Poland
9 years ago 00:08:32 3
Peter Frankl: Fantasy in F minor, op. 49 - Part 1 (Chopin)