Рихтер, Ростропович и его ученик - Richter, Rostropovich and his student
A joke about turning note pages from Ksenia’s conservatory friend:
Mstislav Rostropovich had a student who was playng volin, he was preparing a concert for volin and piano with his teacher.
And the time of exam has come, they came to concert hall. Rostropovich is sitting at the piano... and suddenly understands that there is no one to help turning pages... He looked around and found Richter.
- O, Richter, could you help me with pages?
Richter replied - no problem! And the concert started. Rostropovich was playing piano, Richter was turning pages and the student was playing volin.
One of music critics, who visited this concert wrote an interesting note:
“Yesterday I’ve visited the most strange concert in my life: the one who was supposed to play volin was playing piano, the one who was supposed to play piano - was turning note pages and the one who was supposed to be turning note pages was playing volin solo“
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7 months ago 02:34:03 2
Рихтер непокоренный
7 months ago 01:45:05 5
Дом Культуры Юрия Мамина Выпуск 90/ House of Culture by Mamin Episode 90