Late 1960s California, Hollywood Bowl Ampitheatre GVs, Home Movies

Late 1960s California, Hollywood Bowl Ampitheatre GVs, Home Movies from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref JJ74 available in HD. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more about our various archive collections, visit . Discover our brilliant range of archive footage here: stairs at Hollywood Bowl, man and woman climbing up stairs. Pan up to ampitheatre, empty seats. woman walking through rows of seats, waving at camera. GVs Hollywood Bowl. Find more archive footage of Los Angeles and California 1960s-1990s here: hollywood bowl, ampitheatre, stadium, tour, musicians, concert, home movies Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agency supplying high quality, rare and inspiring footage to media professionals. Our collections cover a wealth of eclectic and intriguing themes, locations and eras
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