CMYK Spectrum Color Effect | Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
Another episode. another experiment on What else can you do with you logo! Here we tested out some of the opacity options and how to achieve these nice color combinations. You basically need the correct mix and order to achieve these color combos in this order so check the video to see the full process.
Here are some of the top selected logo design courses from the greatest designers out there on Domestica:
Sagi Haviv: Logo Design From Concept to Presentation:
Contemporary Brand Identity: Using Verbal and Visual Branding:
Basic Branding Fundamentals:
Logo Design: Graphic Simplification and Minimalism:
Logotype Design for Brand Identity:
Adobe Illustrator for Beginners:
PANTER social:
1 year ago 00:06:28 46
CMYK Spectrum Color Effect | Adobe Illustrator Tutorial