Devil Stick Prototype 1: The Stupid Tube: DIY Devil Stick Series
So I am planning to start a series on my trek to find a good working devil stick built from scratch. It will probably be a long journey, but these videos will document my journey to you. So we start from the very beginning: The Stupid Tube!
1. Duct Tape
2. 1“ PVC Tube
3. Plati-Dip or some other Spray Rubber Coating
1. Cut tube to desired length (approx. 2 feet)
2. Spray several (at least 3) coats of rubber spray evenly on the tube
3. Cut 2 feet of duct tape and wrap for weighted ends (2 feet per end).
Got an idea for the perfect DIY devil stick, or any juggling toy?
Comment it or send an email to hnwpodcasts@!