Pasodoble easy lady solo routine

Paso doble (Spanish: Paso doble - “double step“) - Spanish dance imitating bullfighting. The first name of the dance is “Spanish one-step”, as steps are taken at every count. Paso doble was one of many Spanish folk dances related to various aspects of Spanish life. Partially paso doble is based on bullfight. The partner depicts a torero, and the female partner - his mule or hood (a piece of bright red fabric in the hands of a matador), sometimes - the second torero, and very rarely - a bull Famous bullfighters have been honored with Pasodoble tunes named for them. Other tunes have been inspired by patriotic motifs or local characters. The Pasodoble is well-known and used today for dance competitions. In This choreography I chose very simple steps. Music consists of 3 main parts (“accents / themes”). The first topic is divided into the introduction and the main part. Most often, the third topic is a repetition of the first. At competitions in sports ballroom dancing, the first two themes are most often performed. Because we also had very short time for this routine, I also repeated 1 part choreography in 3rd part
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