aah finally this is done! I’m super proud of everyone!
A huge thank you to the quick replacements and a special thanks to sandridra2013 for taking 5 parts!
also im really sorry for the terrible pitch woops
INTRO: Winters
★ O1: MyButlersMaster
★O2: sandridra2013
★ O3: sandridra2013
★O4: xsophia
★ O5: Mirae
★O6: MyButlersMaster
★O7: xxpokegirlxx10
★O8: XxEchoChanxX
★ O9: TizAMVs
★1O: sandridra2013
★11: lianyanxx
★12: iKeriien
★13: Kawaiitomato
★14: sandridra2013
★15: lianyanxx
★16: xLadybugShinex
10 months ago 00:20:59 1
ЛЕГЕНДЫ ВТОРОГО ПЛАНА: Джон Фрушанте («Red Hot Chili Peppers»), Рэй Манзарек («The Doors»)
2 years ago 00:12:19 2
Diana Ankudinova - Can’t help falling in love(THE FEMALE DIMASH)