IYPT 2023 Finals, Stage 1

First stage of the final physics fight of the IYPT 2023. Thailand presented problem 15. Pancake Rotation. Problem content: Place a few balls in a round container. If you move the container around a vertical axis, the balls can move codirectionally with the movement of the container, or they can move in the opposite direction. Explain this phenomenon and investigate how the direction of movement depends on relevant parameters. Reporter: Thailand (P. Limchantra) Opponent: Slovakia (K. Gersová) Reviewer: Poland (S. Markiewicz) Timeline: 00:00 - Report 12:33 - Questions of the opponent 14:34 - Preparation of the opponent 18:18 - Presentation of the opponent 22:14 - Discussion 33:26 - Questions of the reviewer 36:30 - Preparation of the reviewer 38:30 - Presentation of the reviewer 42:29 - Final remarks of the reporter 44:20 - Questions of the jury 52:25 - Grades ---------------------------------------------------------------- ▶ IYPT website - ▶ Fenix Science Club website - ▶ Facebook (Fenix): ----------------------------------------------------------------
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