Video impressions from our parikrama to Raval, sacred appearance place of Srimati Radharani. in different kalpas She appeares in different places. In this kalpa She was born in Raval.
Except from hari-katha of Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaj (Ravel, India: October 17, 2003)
Srimati Radhika is very near and dear to Sri Vrsabhanu Maharja. Therefore, most people call Her Vrsabhanu-nandini, the beloved daughter of Vrsabhanu Maharaja. Very few people call Her Kirtida-nandini. The word ravel means “great landlord”, and therefore this place is named after Vrsabhanu Maharaja. One early morning he went to the Yamuna to bathe, and there he saw a very effulgent thousand-petal lotus flower. In the middle of the lotus was a very attractive baby girl – Srimati Radhika. With great affection he took that girl to his house, gave Her to Kirtida-sundari, his beautiful wife Kirtida, and they adopted Her.