Triage at Dawn (Half-Life 2) Acoustic/Metal Cover | Dylan Leggett

rip winston MP3: Twitter: Half-Life 2 is just one of those games that I can never give up. I don’t even know what it is about this game that I like so much, perhaps it the smooth and fluent controls, or the intense yet balanced gameplay, the amazing level designed, the story, the voice acting or maybe it’s the incredible music by Kelly Bailey, which always seems to pull me closer into the game and intensify whatever is happening in the game. Half-Life 2 seems to be one of those games that I will never stop playing, every time I play it I discover something new. Like just this week when I was playing it, just before Highway 17 starts if you go up to the map of the coastline, there’s a few line of dialogue about how the map is outdated and how they’re finding it hard to keep in contact with the other station, I had never heard those lines before, and it took me a little bit by surprise. This is a cover that I started worki
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