Special Thanks to Museum Angerlehner in Thalheim bei Wels (A)
Design sitting object: RED RONDO & RED DOT by Andreas Thaler
LILJA BLOOM is an artist going in different directions. she is a singer, designer, painter and had several exhibitions in central-america like panama city where she used to live from 2001-2003. she started her own fashionlabel in 2006 but took a break for some years and focused on her singing and painting.
she began working with PAROV STELAR in 2007. after the huge success of “SHINE“ (which she co-produced) Lilja Bloom is the muse and leading voice of PAROV STELARs 4th album “COCO“. she again showed her unique talent on 4 songs on this album. always a bit melancholic but with a smile on her face she created a pulsating cocktail of ease and power. beside performing the title t
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9 months ago 00:02:49 1
Parov Stelar - Go Wake Up feat. Lilja Bloom (Official Video)