GT 1030 vs. GTX 1050 (Test in 9 Games)
Frame Rate Comparison between GT 1030 2GB and GTX 1050 2GB.
Processor: Intel Core i3-8350K , Quad Core / Coffee Lake.
Games list and graphics settings:
00:00 Far Cry 5
00:58 Fortnite
02:02 Assassin’s Creed Origins
02:42 CS:GO
03:23 Overwatch
04:50 Rainbow Six Siege
05:26 The Witcher 3
06:30 PUBG
07:23 GTA 5
Benchmark rig specs...
● CPU: Intel Core i3-8350K , Quad Core / Coffee Lake
● Cooler: Corsair Hydro Series H55
● GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1050 2G OC
● GPU: MSI GeForce GT 1030 AERO ITX 2G OC