Hi - Another invention:
Just got this thing figured out
and built -- a four-day project with
a number of challenges, but am happy
with the results. This thing’s scale,
tuning and fingering layout is the same as a metal hang drum, obviously with a lot different tone/sound. It uses
bronze-wound guitar strings -- with
same tension as on a guitar. Seven
strings run down the instrument’s side
and the central “ding“ runs down the
middle. I’ve just put basic building information on my webpage at:
should anyone want to duplicate this
beast. One advantage over a metal
hang drum is that the strings can be
tuned any way you want. The tuning here
is D minor pentatonic (same as in my
PVC tubing instrument YouTube video).
Despite the gawky appearance, the
action/mechanism works quickly and is
quite responsive, with no “bounce“ and
very little wood clatter.
GREAT NEWS: although a real, Swiss-made hang drum is extremely difficult to obtain these days, Pantheon Ste