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Dr. Disrespect, Tim the Tatman, XQC and NickMercs play Warzone 2 together for money Special thanks to our Patron Producers! Albert Hutchins Andrew Palmer Adam Knopow Created by ► Tom Hinchliffe & Don Greger Project Management ► BoyPorcelain Animation ► Holly Gee Angel-OJoe Sandbag Boy Porcelain NCH Dannye8a Additional Assets ► Grillhou5e DozenRahyz Redminus Boards / Animatic ► Taterman @potatomanng Backgrounds ► Naav Draws Soured Apple AJJ Sound ► Justin Greger VO ► Dr Disrespect, TimTheTatman, Wife, XQC - Tom NickMercs - Don Merch ► Instagram ► Twitter ► Discord ►
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