OSC Narrowband Filters - What to buy?? Let’s compare!

Multi-Band filters for one shot color Narrowband Imaging are very popular - and with good reason! I’ve owned four of them (I say three in the video, but I actually also had the ZWO Duo Band, I just had forgotten about it), from cheap to super expensive. Let’s look at their specs, and my hot take on them! Note that I may be completely wrong, there may be a great reason for that H-Beta business for instance! I just don’t see it! Senpai-tachi, teach me! If you wish to support me and plan on buying astro equipment such as those filters, please consider buying through OPT using this affiliate link! ​ IDAS NBZ: Optolong L-eXtreme: Optolong L-eNhance: Radian Triad Ultra: Radian Triad Tri-Band: ZWO Duo Band: 00:00 Introduction 02:05 IDAS NBZ 03:35 Band shifting
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