Fu-Yu Kyrgyz Song: the Khakas of China

Fu-Yu Gïrgïs (Fuyu Kirghiz) song performed by a Fu-Yu Kyrgyz woman 300 years ago ancestors of Khakas people the Yenisei Kyrgyz migrated to Mongolia and after to China where presently they are known as Fuyu Kyrgyz people. According to famous Khakas enthnographer Prof. Dr. Viktor I. Butanaev the Fu-Yu Kyrgyz have protected their traditional clan system that is identical with sookter/clans among Khakas people living in Southern Siberia Lyrics in Fu-Yu Kyrgyz language: dax diben šabim am, dabendar baarsen γaxen jap, γairen jaxse buurul adim (in), γaaneng dibes dabim am? γap diben šabim am, γapxandar baarsen γaxen jap, γairen jaxse buurul adim (in), γaaneng dibes dabim am? ib diben šabim am, ečikter baarsen γaxen jap, γairen jaxse buurul adim (in), γaaneng dibes dabim am? say diben šabim am, sanderdar baarsen γaxen jap, γairen jaxse buurul adim (in), γaaneng dibes dabim am? bulux diben šabim am, belterdar baarsen γaxen jap, γairen jaxse buurul adim (in), γaaneng dibes dabim am? γer diben šabim am, γergestar ba
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