Easy English Conversation: MEET, SEE, GET TOGETHER, MEET UP...
What’s the difference between “meet” and “meet up”? What does “get together” mean? In this English class, you will learn how to use key social expressions including “to see someone”, “to meet someone”, “to meet up with someone”, “to get together”, and “a get-together”. You’ll learn which expressions to use in formal situations and which are slang. I hope to see you soon! After the lesson, take the quiz:
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In this lesson:
0:00 “meet“ or “get together“?
4:26 “get-together“
6:03 “meet“ or “see“?
10:00 “meet up“
11:23 Practice
Hello, my name is Emma, and in today’s video, we are going to learn some English that is
very important for our social lives.
So we’re going to learn words like “meet“, “see“, and “get together“, and we’re going
to learn the differences between these words and how to use them.
They’re very important words, and we use them a lot in English.
So my first question to you is, which sentence is better?
Every weekend I meet my family, or every weekend I get together with my family?
Both of these sentences are possible, but one is a little bit better than the other.
Okay, so which sentence is better?
Well, they’re both possible, but I would say the second sentence, “Every weekend I get
together with my family“ is the better sentence.
And the reason is because we use “get together“ informally when we’re talking about social
events, and we usually use “meet“ in formal situations.
So for example, at work I meet with my boss.
This is a formal situation.
I use the word “meet“.
At work, I meet with clients.
I meet with customers.
These are all formal situations, whereas when I’m seeing my friends or my family, it’s not
We’re having fun.
I can relax.
I can be myself.
So in these cases, when we’re socializing, we can use “get together with“.
So the major difference is this “meet“ is usually used for work situations, and “get
together“ is used more for social situations.
Now let’s learn a little bit more about these two verbs and how we use them.
Okay, so let’s look at some more examples with “get together“.
Again, we use “get together“ to mean spend time with someone.
It’s often when there’s a group of people together for an event, like a party or to
hang out.
So how might we use this?
Well, someone might ask you, “What did you do last weekend?“
You might say, “Oh, I got together with my family.“
This means you spent time with your family.
Again, we use this a lot in English, so it’s a really good expression to use.
Notice here I wrote “got“.
“Got“ is the past tense of “get“.
And I want to also just show you this word “with“.
When we use “get together“, we need to talk about who we got together with.
So you’ll see this preposition, “Who did you get together with?“
“I got together with my friends.“
“I got together with other YouTubers.“
“I got together with my family.“
“I got together with my co-workers.“
So we use the word “with“ after “get together“.
All right, let’s look at another example with “get together“.
So every Tuesday, I get together with my friends.
So this is - we’re talking about every Tuesday, we’re talking about the present tense, so
we can say “get“ instead of “got“.
“Got“ is for the past, “get“ is for the present, and “will get“ is for the future.
Okay, so what about as a noun?
Well, we can use “get together“ as a noun.
What you will notice is we have the word “get“, and then we have here this hyphen, and then
we have the word “together“.
So it has that little hyphen to connect the word when we use it as a noun.
And how do we use it as a noun?
Well, here’s an example.
I went to two get-togethers.
This means - this means I went to two events where people were at, they might be parties.
The reason I said “two“ here is because I want to show you “get together“ is a countable
We can count the number of get-togethers.
So that means that if you’re talking about one get-together, you need the article “a“
or “the“ in front of it.
There is a get-together this weekend.
Do you want to come to the get-together?
And again, it just means an event, usually with friends or family.
So let’s look at another example.
At the get-together, I saw Adam, James, Ronnie, Rebecca, and Alex.
It was an engVid get-together.
So get-together is another great word to use when you’re talking about your social life.
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