Rotting Christ-Streaming for European Metal Festival Alliance-2020

This video shooted and recorded on the 6th of July 2020 at Artworks Studios for the needs of European Metal Festival Alliance live streaming. Mixed & Mastered by Callmelazy (aka Costas Gavakos) at Soundflakes Studio Directed by:Yiannis Margetousakis-Thanos Liberopoulos Edited by: Yiannis Margetousakis-Thanos Liberopoulos-Manolis Rizikos Cameras: Thanos Liberopoulos- Yiannis Margetousakis-Panos Iliopoulos All music & Lyrics by Sakis Tolis SET LIST 1- Χ Ξ Σ -0:31 2-ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΝ ΔΑΙΜΟΝΑ ΕΑΥΤΟΥ-6:09 3-FIRE GOD AND FEAR-10:50 4-ΕΛΘΕ ΚΥΡΙΕ-15:29 5-ΑΠΑΓΕ ΣΑΤΑΝΑ-20:25 6-DIES IRAE-24:57 7-IN YUMEN XIBALBA-31:06 8-GRANDIS SPIRITUS DIAVOLOS-37:33 9-THRENODY-43:23
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