Charlie Wilson: Tiny Desk Concert

NPR Music is celebrating Black Music Month with an array of brand new Tiny Desk concerts. Together, these artists represent the past, present and future of Black music. This month of carefully curated shows is a celebration of Black artists expressing themselves in ways we’ve never seen before, and of the Tiny Desk’s unique way of showcasing that talent. Bobby Carter | June 5, 2023 Charlie Wilson’s Tiny Desk unexpectedly ran the gamut of emotions. His musical journey boasts some of the highest highs and fanfare for over 50 years. So much so, it’s easy to forget what he’s endured. His testimonial during a praise break reminded us that he’s climbed through valleys about as deep as they get. “I went from rags to riches, riches to rags, then rags to the curb, the curb to homeless,“ he said. “Because I was an alcoholic and a crack cocaine addict! But I’m 28 years clean and sober!“ Flanked by a host of musicians, Wilson expressed the depth and
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