600-g PROTEIN PER DAY? #askDave

2:00 - Can you please explain the role of the hormone Leptin, and how it is affected by the Ketogenic diet. 4:40 - Do you suggest someone go get IV vitamin/ electrolyte treatment post show? And how soon if so? 8:35 - Best remedies for hair loss without prescription drugs. 10:40 - Where is Richard Rodriguez on After Hours? 13:17 - On the day of a contest, do you take your pills with water or do you avoid water altogether? 14:28 - I have high TSH low t3 and high t4 doc said my t4 doesn’t convert to t3 and he suggested exogenous t4 supplementation. That doesn’t make sense to me since I don’t convert that to t3 ..should I supplement with exogenous t3 or t4? 16:30 - For an off season cycle did you like using 2 or 3 total compounds with testosterone being the base? Or if the milligrams were equal does it not matter? 18:55 - Do you think there are any negative health ramifications from staying in contest shape super low bf% for too long? 21:38 - Is it ok to stay on an estrogen b
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