NIST FOIA WPIX Dub2 (Michael Barbagallo)

00:00 - WTC1 has been already hit and is on fire. 01:59 - Fire grows at the east face around 9:01:01 a.m.. People can be seen in some windows just below the floors with visible fire. 03:14 - Explosion at the South Tower after an aircraft impacted it. 06:36 - Zoomed view on the northeast corner fire at floors 80 and 81 in WTC2, around 9:08:47 a.m.. 08:10-08:39 - View on the south wall of South Tower lobby. Another and smoother one at 09:51. 08:51 - Looking up on the impact hole of WTC2. 10:35 - Eyewitness interview. Unnamed guy heard explosion from an elevator. 10:48 - Dwight Schaeff (?) witnessed maybe both plane crashes. 12:10 - Steve Hausch survived the plane crash while was late for meeting on 82nd floor (unknown tower, maybe WTC2) for about 10 minutes. 12:44 - Michael Morigi, OTIS Elevators, witnessed the second plane crash from roof of 40 Wall Street. Southeast and east views (street level). Videographer: Michael Barbagallo, WPIX-TV, with coworker Anthony Mazza.
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