Bear Helps Himself to Car’s Cup Holders || ViralHog

Occurred on May 24, 2023 / Golden, Colorado, USA “On the evening of May 24th, a bear was recorded on our property just outside of Golden, Colorado. Here he is seen opening up my passenger door and climbing into the front seat. From there, he licks my cup holders clean and helps himself to a few stray goldfish. When he is finished with my car, he checks the door on my husband’s truck before he wanders off to try his luck with our hummingbird feeders.“ Contact licensing@ to license this or any ViralHog video. ViralHog is based in Bozeman, Montana, USA. Make money from your videos! Submit footage here: Subscribe, Like, or Follow ViralHog: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: @viralhog
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