Alien Party (Kids song)

#aliensong #alienparty #alienmusicvideo Alien Party Song - StarBuddies Alien Song lyrics: Bright lights in the sky Shine down on me I started to rise Beamed me up To a UFO I heard a voice say.... It’s time for the show! Chorus It’s an alien party In outer space It’s an alien party Everyone’s a star in outer space Welcome aboard this party ship Every bodies cool Yeah every bodies hip You can do the moon walk or the alien bop Don’t stop now! It’s time to rock! Chorus It’s an alien party In outer space It’s an alien party Everyone’s a star in outer space We danced all night through the milky way I said good bye I knew I couldn’t stay He said One last dance before you go and always remember you’re not alone! Chorus It’s an alien party In outer space It’s an alien party Everyone’s a
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