Undertale: Megalo Strike Back (Epic Orchestral Suite by Tristan Gray)

Yes, I know that the original song is not actually a part of Utale as a game. Yes, I know I was suppose to do Dark, Darker, Yet Darker next, and YES I KNOW IT’S “UNDERTALE“ NOT UTALE. Even though Megalo Strike Back is actually a song made by Toby Fox for a fan made Earthbound EP (not FROM Earthbound, get your facts straight ya nerds), since a certain very popular video was released, it’s mostly associated by the fandom with Undertale. And the video I’m referring to was an animation of fan-made Chara fight. If you’d like to see the video, it’s right here: Go ahead and watch it, it’s really good. Now, with that said- for me, it was a good enough reason to pin this one under Utale. That, and I simply don’t feel like making an entire new playlist for just one song. Like, subscribe, consider becoming a Patreon and all that good stuff. 『Support』 Patreon: Don’t like Patreon? Fund me a coffee: 『Download』 Bandcamp: 『Stream』 Spotify: iTunes: 『Artwork Source』 Mnstrcndy 『Other Media』 Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Bandcamp:
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