New 🏆 Merch -
. BioShock Infinite Remastered as part of the BioShock Collection. There are 80 Voxophones, 37 Sightseer (Kinetoscopes & Telescopes) and 29 Infusions. The original #BioShock Infinite only has 24 Infusions unless you had the Season Pass. All the Infusions must be picked up in one playthrough but with the Vox’s and Sightseer, you can go back through chapter select.
Timeline (By chapter, not enough character space to list by each collectible)
0:04 Welcome Center
3:21 Raffle Square
3:40 Comstock Center Rooftops
9:02 Monument Island Gateway
10:17 Monument Tower
11:43 Battleship Bay
14:28 Soldier’s Field
20:15 The Hall of Heroes
20:51 Inside the Hall of Heroes
22:01 Hall of Heroes Gift Shop
22:23 Return to the Hall of Heroes
23:20 Finkton Docks
23:39 Begar’s Warf
23:58 Fort Franklin Pier
24:23 Worker Induction Center
25:03 Finkton Proper
26:17 The Plaza of Zeal
26:56 The Good Time Club
29:12 The Plaza of Zeal (Return)
30:10 Shantytown
31:44 Bull House Impound
33:33 Bull Yard
34:08 On to the Factory
34:24 The Factory Courtyard
34:45 The Factory
36:01 Emporia
36:40 Port Prosperity
39:42 Downtown Emporia
42:55 Memorial Gardens
46:03 Comstock House
46:26 The Atrium
48:38 The Warden’s Office
48:56 Operating Theatre
49:43 The Hand of the Prophet
50:37 Hanger Deck
51:18 Engineering Deck
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#PS4Trophies #Trophy #Walkthrough #Gameplay #LetsPlay
★ This Game includes the following trophies ★
Platinum Columbia (Platinum)
Acquire all other trophies
.....(some deleted for space)
Big Game Hunter (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 100 enemies with the Founder Huntsman Carbine or Vox Burstgun.
Loose Cannon (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 25 enemies with the Paddywhacker Hand Cannon.
On a Clear Day... (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Bird’s Eye Sniper Rifle.
Here Little Piggy (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Founder Pig Volley Gun or Vox Hail Fire.
Master of Pyrotechnics (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies with the Barnstormer RPG.
Seasoned to Taste (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies with the Peppermill Crank Gun.
Well Rounded (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, used all 8 Vigors against enemies.
Vigorous Opposition (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 75 enemies either with a Vigor or while the enemy is under the effects of a Vigor.
More for Your Money (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, lured 3 enemies into a single Vigor trap 5 times.
Combination Shock (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, performed all 8 of the Vigor combinations.
Mind Over Matter (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies using Possessed machines.
Tear ’em a New One (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, opened 30 Tears.
Strange Bedfellows (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies using allies brought in through a Tear.
On the Fly (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 30 enemies while riding a Sky-Line.
Bolt From the Blue (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies with a headshot while riding a Sky-Line.
Hazard Pay (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 10 enemies by utilizing environmental hazards.
Bon Voyage (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 20 enemies by knocking them off Columbia.
Skeet Shoot (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies while they are falling.
Lost Weekend (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, killed 5 enemies while you are drunk.
David & Goliath (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed 20 “Heavy Hitter“ enemies.
Heartbreaker (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, killed a Handyman by only shooting his heart.
Dress for Success (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, equipped a piece of Gear in all four slots.
Kitted Out (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, fully upgraded one weapon and one Vigor.
Raising the Bar (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, upgraded one attribute (Health, Shield, or Salts) to its maximum level.
Infused with Greatness (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, collected every Infusion upgrade in a single game.
Sightseer (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, used all telescopes and Kinetoscopes in the game.
The Roguish Type (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, used Elizabeth to pick 30 locks.
Eavesdropper (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, collected every Voxophone.
Grand Largesse (Bronze)
In the Main Campaign, spent $10,000 at the vending machines of Columbia.
Coins in the Cushion (Silver)
In the Main Campaign, looted 200 containers.
Scavenger Hunt (Gold)
Completed the Main Campaign in 1999 Mode without purchasing anything from a Dollar Bill machine.
1 view
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