Partial Journal Entry:
Aug2013 Got woken up a lot last night. Bunch of choppers bringing in the commandos, then one landed outside our base dropping kicker pallets, then it rained, then someone was dropping the pallets with the forklift right outside my room. Sucks I am positioned closest to ECP of all the tents and bedrooms. One of those nights where I kept waking up and checking the time so I didn’t miss the 0500 start. Ate breakfast then we waited for D-Cap to show up with AUP. He was late again. Didn’t leave till about 0745. Long drive off road on bumpy terrain. Difficult to not jerk the guys in the turrets around. I tried my best driving slowly over the bumps, using left foot on brake and right on gas. That’s how they train you to drive for better control. Was nice to get a literal change of scenery. We pulled security outside the village the commandos took over last night. They found a couple RPGs and HME. They rounded all the males up and tried to sell them on the AUP program. I was stuck with the tr
12 months ago 00:03:37 1
Armadillo. Afghanistan. ISAF 7. Helmand. Troops In Action