Wanda Solo Bee Queen With Wall Cross (no special items, 57 walls) [Don’t Starve Together]

If executed perfectly (as shown at 0:49), the kiting pattern is: 1. dodge, attack twice 2. dodge, attack twice 3. dodge, attack 4 times. But I wasn’t always able to do it, so it cost me about 1 night armor in the end. In phase 1 and 2, Bee Queen actively chases and attacks you. You can test dodge as she gets closer. In phase 3 and 4, Bee Queen is passively waiting to be triggered. You have to go up to her to get slapped. However, with Wanda’s bigger range, she’s able to attack intermittently her without triggering any of her attacks (as shown at 4:26). When she screams, it’s free attacks (as shown at 6:51).
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