Protein Synthesis | Cells | Biology | FuseSchool

Protein Synthesis | Cells | Biology | FuseSchool Proteins are made of a long chain of amino acids, which has been coded for by DNA. The order of the bases of DNA determines which protein is made, by coding for a specific order of amino acids. This is protein synthesis, and in this video we are going to look at how it works. You may want to watch our ‘what is DNA’ video first to remind yourself all about DNA. A set of three bases in the DNA molecule codes for a particular amino acid. GGT, for example, codes for the amino acid called Glycine. The 3 base codes are known as codons, so GGT is a “codon” for Glycine. There are 20 amino acids that make up our body’s proteins. 9 of these we need to take in through our diet as our body cannot manufacture them. These are known as essential amino acids. Our body can, however, manufacture non-essential amino acids. Whilst 20 amino acids build proteins, there are actually many others that do not form proteins, possibly over 250. They may form sugar,
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