Mt. Agung || Eruption Update for (Amed, East Bali)

Автор видео Alex Hope. Описание автора: «Good morning everyone. This is an early morning (6:20AM) update for Gunung Agung. The eruption since last night seems consistently ongoing. Timelapse #1 is 12 minutes long, and up-close Timelapse #2 is 5 minutes long. The locals are all sat across cliffs and on the beach, and it’s a beautiful sight… At the time writing this (7:00AM), there are still massive plumes of smoke coming out. At the time of publishing this (8:00AM), Mt. Agung is still spewing out huge plumes of smoke. Clouds from the East are coming in quickly and likely to obstruct the view until later in the day. I do want to add that Amed is safe and feels safe as well. The people here could use the support since for the most part this part of Bali feels wholly abandoned. Location: Waeni’s Sunset View, Amed, Bali» Источник:
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